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frameworks and applications中文是什么意思

用"frameworks and applications"造句"frameworks and applications"怎么读"frameworks and applications" in a sentence


  • 第十章


  • To extend the application of open - call center , at last i made further research of concept , framework and application of e - counter , which is the future supporting platform of e - commerce
    本文最后针对开放式呼叫中心的扩展应用,就电子商务的支撑平台? ?电子柜台的概念、结构和应用作了进一步的研究。
  • This paper commences with dss and gdss theory first , and places emphasis on analyzing a basic frame of gdss . and then , it discusses agent technology and six kinds of framework and application of agent , and compares agent with object oriented ( 00 ) technology
用"frameworks and applications"造句  
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